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January flyer

Melody Smith

LAST Update for members 2014. Our Group is probably the fastest growing Community Group in Cheshire, with members from most of the local Mid-Cheshire Towns, with some even further afield in greater Cheshire and Lancashire. We look towards 2015, to gain more interest from TEENAGERS with even more members joining the group, from our local resident, and more mature members Jan 2015 will see the group spending some of the £750.00 Grant funds made available to the group, with the purchase of a desk top PC PHOTOGRAPHIC-WORK STATION, installed with the latest Photo POST PROCESSING SOFTWARE and some similar, FREE software, like PICASA 3 and SMART PHOTO EDITOR etc. PC will be made available at all group meetings so that members can obtain specific one to one training, from our more experienced members, or just to help them with there own particular needs. It will also have a set of Micro-Soft products installed that are typically used in conjunction with photo processing software. An OPPORTUNITY NOT TO BE MISSED!! We hope our younger members will take this unique CHESHIRE opportunity, to gain FREE specialist training, working with our professional, industry experienced members to add that extra line to their own CV, by belonging to a local technology group, which will without doubt, set them apart from others when they seek employment in the media, photography or graphic industry in later years. INTERESTED to find out more ? Email us on CONTACT US page or join ON-LINE on FACEBOOK.................. Have friends that may find this useful ? Then please SHARE this opportunity with friends that will benefit being a member. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, unique in Cheshire and perhaps the UK?

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© 2015 by  Melody Smith.   Created with

All member pictures are the copyright of the photographer who took them.

Please email the club to request permission to use them.                                      

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